So while I watched my ncis episode for the night I doodled in my Bible. That is so weird to say because we were Never instructed to doodle in our bibles as kids. But now it is so meaningful. I was looking through and trying to decide what I wanted to draw. My oldest sons name is Jonah and so I thought about drawing a whale in that chapter.
The book of Jonah is so short, and I have read it a ton of times. But this time as I sat and read it Jonah 2:2 really spoke to me. I have been struggling here lately with stress. Sometimes as a Christian we feel like we are automatically close to God just because we go to church or we play the role. I know that I allow myself to stray sometimes because I'm so busy with life that I forget that the Grace that God provides to me is there, but yet I don't get up every day and ask him for it. I start my day with my coffee, breakfast, shower, ect, that I don't take the time to do my reading or quiet time. When I stop doing this and pull away from God into the business of my day, things start to go down hill. My health, (due to worry that I wouldn't have if I would stay close to him), stress, worry, the issues go on and on because just one day of not setting close with him I allow the distractions of this life get to me more when I feel like I need to handle them instead of him handing them.
So, I say all that to say this verse speaks volumes to me. "I called out to the Lord, out of my distress and he answered me: out of the darkness and he Heard my Voice!!! He does hear our voices!!! Using the drawings and time to mediate over what to draw is really helping me to retain more of the words. I think this is something great for kids to help them retain scripture! This is what I finished lately.
This looks great!! Makes me wonder if Kylah got some of her artistic abilities from her Mama?! :)
Thanks girl!!! maybe just a little:)
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